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Journal Papers

Alexandre Moreira, Felipe Piancó, Bruno Fanzeres, Alexandre Street, Ruiwei Jiang, Chaoyue Zhao, and Miguel Heleno, "Distribution System Operation Amidst Wildfire-Prone Climate Conditions Under Decision-Dependent Line Availability Uncertainty," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 6522-6538, September 2024. [link]

Andrew Rosemberg, Mathieu Tanneau, Bruno Fanzeres, Joaquim Garcia, and Pascal Van Hentenryck, "Learning Optimal Power Flow Value Functions with Input-Convex Neural Networks," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 235, pp. 110643, October 2024. [link]

Gustavo Melo, Tuany Barcellos, Rafaela Ribeiro, Rafael Couto, Bruno Gusmão, Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira, Paula Maçaira, Bruno Fanzeres, Reinaldo Castro Souza, and Olavo Bet, "Renewable Energy Sources Spatio-Temporal Scenarios Simulation under Influence of Climatic Phenomena," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 235, pp. 110725, October 2024. [link]

A. Moreira, B. Fanzeres, P. Silva, M. Heleno, and A. L. M. Marcato, "On the Role of Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Day-Ahead Contingency-Constrained Unit Commitment Problem under Renewable Penetration," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 235, pp. 110856, October 2024. [link]

M. F. Barbosa, A. Street, and B. Fanzeres, "A Tailored Derivative Instrument to Mitigate the Price-and-Quantity Risk Faced by Wind Power Companies," Energy Economics, vol. 136, pp. 107676, August 2024. [link]

R. Ribeiro and B. Fanzeres, "Identifying Representative Days of Solar Irradiance and Wind Speed in Brazil using Machine Learning Techniques," Energy and AI, vol. 15, pp. 100320, January 2024. [link]

N. Gueller, R. Martinelli, B. Fanzeres, and D. Louzada, "Optimization of Battery Swapping Stations with Heterogeneity, Charging Degradation and PV-Option," Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 74, Part B, pp. 109509, December 2023. [link]

N. C. Martin and B. Fanzeres, "Stochastic Risk-averse Energy and Reserve Scheduling and Pricing Schemes with Non-Convexities and Revenue Caps," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 225, pp. 109858, December 2023. [link]

J. Vilela, B. Fanzeres, R. Martinelli, and R. Moreno, "A Holistic Methodology to Identify Cost-Effective Smooth Routes for Power Transmission Lines," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 3504-3513, July 2023. [link]

E. Bolonhez, T. Silva, and B. Fanzeres, "A Core-Based Quota Allocation Model for the Bitcoin-Refunded Blockchain Network," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 209, 118201, December 2022. [link]

A. Brigatto and B. Fanzeres, "A Soft Robust Methodology to Devise Hedging Strategies in Renewable Energy Trading based on Electricity Options," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 207, 107852, June 2022. [link]

A. Torraca and B. Fanzeres, "Optimal Insurance Contract Specification in the Upstream Sector of the Oil and Gas Industry," European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 295, no. 2, pp. 718-732, December 2021. [link] [video]

B. Fanzeres, A. Street, and D. Pozo, "A Column-and-Constraint Generation Algorithm to Find Nash Equilibrium in Pool-Based Electricity Markets," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 189, 106806, December 2020. [link] [video]

R. Saavedra, P. Tovar, G. Amaral, and B. Fanzeres, "Full Optical Fiber Link Characterization With the BSS-Lasso," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 68, no. 10, pp. 4162-4174, October 2019. [link]

B. Fanzeres, S. Ahmed, and A. Street, "Robust Strategic Bidding in Auction-Based Markets," European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272, no. 3, pp. 1158-1172, February 2019. [link]

A. Moreira, B. Fanzeres, and G. Strbac, "Energy and Reserve Scheduling under Ambiguity on Renewable Probability Distribution," Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 160, no. 1, pp. 205-218, July 2018. [link]

G. Amaral, J. Garcia, B. Fanzeres, P. Urban, and J. P. von der Weid, "Multiple Fiber Fault Location with Low-Frequency Sub-Carrier Tone Sweep," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 13, pp. 1116-1119, July 2017. [link]

B. Fanzeres, A. Street, and L. Barroso, "Contracting Strategies for Renewable Generators: A Hybrid Stochastic and Robust Optimization Approach," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1825-1837, July 2015. [link]

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